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Sep 18, 2007

APOSTLE TALK - Future News Now!
with Prince Handley

Prince Handley


In the last six (6) newsletters we have discussed:

Remove the Barriers
Anointing for Success
The Secret
The Move
The Idea
The Blessing

All of these have been written to enable you to accomplish the impossible, to render null and void the barriers the enemy would attempt to impose upon you, and to empower you to receive birthings: powerful, new ideas of the Spirit; and then to implement these ideas.

The enemy of all righteousness wants to impose barriers in your life and thereby restrict, as well as constrict, your productivity in the Spirit. These barriers can be mental, physical, demoniacal, and psychological. They can be real or imagined. The enemy may utilize people, demons, lies aimed at your mind, conditions, or relationships. Sometimes these relationships may even involve other believers.

If you know Jesus Christ and are baptized in His wonderful Spirit, you do not have to succumb to these oppositions and attacks. YOU CAN DO WHAT THE ENEMY TELLS YOU CANNOT BE DONE. You can do what many Christians tell you cannot be done. If God is giving you, or has given you, an idea to reach people and nations for Christ, then expect opposition. However, expect VICTORY over the opposition. You are the servant of the Most High God, and if you seek God for WISDOM, He will give it to you. He will also give you power to do what He has assigned you and send Holy Angels to assist you.

You have a great God: a God of power who loves you. He will provide for you and make you productive in and by His Holy Spirit. Neither is your success in question nor is the direction of God in your life in question. These are given factors as you meditate in the Word of God, pray, listen, and obey. Study again The Secret and The Move in recent editions. The KEY FACTOR to consider at this juncture is YOUR COVERING.

Your covering is NOT a man or person. Your covering is NOT your church or fellowship. Your covering is THE BLOOD OF CHRIST! The BLOOD of Christ is alive. Speak the BLOOD over yourself and your loved ones every day. Speak BLOOD over your children clear to the end of your seedline every day. Speak the BLOOD over the properties, possessions and wealth that God has placed in your hands. This is part of good stewardship. Ministers are not making enough of the BLOOD! At times of attack upon your mind, or when the devil tries to make you doubt your calling in the Kingdom, speak the BLOOD over your mind.

Remember that the BLOOD of Jesus opened the grave. Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant. (Hebrews 13:20) His BLOOD both fulfilled and satisfied God’s Law and God’s righteousness. Christ overcame the power of sin; He brought it to nothing. Death was defeated; its sting had been removed. The devil, who had the power of death, was defeated and the enemy lost all right over the Second Adam (Christ) and us.

The BLOOD of Christ destroyed the power of death, the devil, and Hell. There is an organic - a living - union between the BLOOD of Christ and the Word of God. They bear testimony of each other. Where the BLOOD is honored, the Spirit moves. The Spirit draws to Christ and then brings people to the BLOOD.

How do we take advantage of the power in the BLOOD? As in anything connected with the Kingdom of God: through FAITH. Speak the BLOOD of Christ against the enemy. Cover yourself and your loved ones with the BLOOD daily. You cannot expect too much from the BLOOD of Christ; however, you will avail yourself of only those benefits of the BLOOD of which you have knowledge. Study what the Scriptures say about the BLOOD.
When you have received directions - ideas - from the Spirit of God, then SPEAK, declare, the BLOOD of Christ over the ideas. Speak the BLOOD of Christ over the birthings (ideas) you receive, and over the plans and the implementation of these ministry plans as you move in obedience.

Remember this: when God sees the BLOOD, He will not allow the death angel to destroy. (Exodus 12:13,23) Do not let the devil kill the birthings which God gives you. Do not let all the time you spent alone seeking God and the resultant reception of the vision and its implementation be aborted by the devil and his death angels of whatever means they may originate.

People and nations are hanging in the balance. Be a good steward all the way to the end. Do not quit! And, do not fail to appropriate THE BLOOD COVERING for you, your family, your associates, and your vision assignments from the throne room of God.

By His own BLOOD, Messiah entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. (Hebrews 9:12) You have been purchased - paid for AND bought back from the hand of the enemy - with the HOLY BLOOD.

This blood contains the LIFE OF GOD; therefore, appropriate THE BLOOD COVERING for everything God has placed in your domain, and for the projects that have been birthed by your intense fellowship with the Father! Speak the BLOOD over your work, and against the enemy, NOW and in in the future (in advance).

The IDEAS God gives you are for the impact of His Spirit upon Planet Earth. As you are faithful and OBEY to implement these ideas, multitudes of people will be blessed, and YOU will be TWICE blessed because:

1. You are the channel through whom the Holy Spirit will flow.

2. You will receive the reward of obedience.

This is HOW TO WIN!


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Skype: princehandley

Time: 7 minutes, 43 seconds
Size: 7.08 MB