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Jun 30, 2015

 APOSTLE TALK – Future News Now


 Prince Handley
President / Regent


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In Greece today, stunned Greeks are waking up to shuttered banks, long supermarket lines and overwhelming uncertainty over their future in the euro zone after a clash with foreign lenders pushed Greece close to financial chaos and forced a shutdown of its banking system.

Greece closed its banks and imposed restrictions on cash withdrawals to try to prevent a deepening financial crisis.

For yearsin the USAthe government via the Federal Reserve System has been printing paper money to reduce the value of the USA Dollar. This allows them to pay back debts with cheaper money; that is, the money is worth lessas in “worthless”due to inflation. It's just like anything else: more supply equals less value. The USA can NOT repay its debt, which is about 17 trillion dollars (that's trillion, with a “T”).

Excessive indebtedness always contributes to the downfall of leading nations and world powers. A cursory examination of world history over the last 5,000 years will prove the point: from Mesopotamia to Rome to the British Empire: economic malaiseproducing full blown diseaseaccompanies loss of power.

The next economic collapse is coming (more about that in future blogs). My assignment from the LORD is to prepare you. I warned people what to do as a result of the last BIG one (see my podcast of November 28, 2008). I may give you some investment suggestiions from time-to-time, but I am NOT a financial adviser … so you will need to pray and listen to God.



Globalization has “bound” the economy of other nations to the economy of the USA. This is at the same time concomitant with religion and government. All three (3) are a mix of notsostrange bedfellows. Please refer to the End Time underpinnings of the following:

New Global Governance

New Global Currency

New Global Religion

In the last podcast teaching we discussed several empirical laws concerning magnitude and frequency of geological shocks. Early warning system (EWS) models can be used to analyze, also, certain economic sectors of a society separately. Omori-law-like distributions (that are used for earthquake aftershocks) suggest that losses will be widespread around crises or recessions. Also, the “crises initiating” sector spreads instability to the other sectors of the economy.

Bath's Law

Gutenberg-Richter Law

Omori's Law

There is a spiritual parallel to the natural. (This is because the Creator placed His 'print' on Creation.)

People (around the world ... not just in USA) are becoming discouraged and increasingly angry at government AND government leaders. People are beginning to feel frustrated and "out of control" -- because they have lost control to a government that does NOT listen to them ... or represent them. This is WHY socialistic governments try to “buy” votes from the economically depressed with entitlements rather than fixing the systemic failures. This has been the case with the USA since 2008.

With global economic breakdown ... the need for a New Global Currency system takes place. There is NO room in this Global Governance system for the following:




Does this strike a chord with YOU? Could this be WHY people in different countries feel out of control? The world in which we live may be divided into three sectors:

The moral or spiritual;

The social or political; and,

The monetary or economic.

There are three (3) areas from which the thrust for a New Global Currency originates:

Those who feel jeopardized by the demise of the US dollar: The moral or spiritual sector.

Those who want to see the downfall (economically, militarily, and religiously) of the USA: The social or political sector.

Those who want to capture mass market of the US and consumers: The monetary or economic sector.

Global equaliztion will be the catalyst for New Global Banking. Economic policies are key weapons of warfare in geopolitical competition. You, the individual, are the “puppet” with strings attached … unless … you know God and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

It is NOT unpatriotic to warn people with the blast of the shofar. Neither was it for Jeremiah to warn Israel and the king about impending judgment. Those who have NOT grown up in the USA are possibly NOT able to listen to God from a perspective of “from whence the USA has fallen.” Even though God has blessed the USA and made her a blessing to the nations … as well as to Israel in the pastHe has NO obligation to bless her leaders, her sins, nor her sinners: abortion, same-sex marriage, et al. God's only obligation is to bless His children who obey and listen to the voice of His Holy Spirit.

Remember, also, a principle of God's dealing with nations is many times this: “Judgment begins at the house of God.” (1 Peter 4:17.)

Prepare ahead of time ... NOW ... for this great coming need. As mentioned previously, in the future you will look around and see depression and hopelessness in the lives and faces of people. Once these evil spirits control the mind, they will augment their insidious attack to the spiritual and physical areas of the person afflicted. You may want my book Healing Deliverance in advance so that you will be able to effectively help people.

Here are some other resources to help YOU and to help you help OTHERS:

Frustration and Your Future – The Way Out

Dealing with Stress in the End Times

Pray and ask the LORD to use you as an instrument of compassion and deliverance in this area of need. And, make sure you are living for the LORD so He can protect and bless you.

For instruction and help in the areas of prosperity, deliverance and holy living go to:

How To Prosper
How To Be Delivered
The Power of a Separated Life
I told you in the last podcast that mortgage rates are pushing new highs for 2015, and as of this week are even higher There are NO short term reasons. The stiuation is going to be long term. Listen to the last podcast for the reasons why.
The dollar collapse has already started. It started in 2000 with the Euro, and later in 2010 with currency war. And, it is being augmented now with China as a major creditor and gold hoarder. Foolishlywhile at the same time knowingly—the USA has whimsically danced to the tune of several rivals by amassing enormous trade deficits, budget deficits and international debt.
In recent teachings I have warned you that just because the Dow is at an all time high, it means nothing when inflation is factored in. Just today, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 350 points while ATM's in Greece were been boarded up.
The world's NEW “mega money” referred to as SDR (Special Drawing Rights) will help over time dilute the solvency of the US Dollar. The time to invest wisely is NOW. Inflation and deflation are BOTH possibilities, of course at different times. To prepare for the furthering economic collapse, here are three moves you should begin to pray about and/or do NOW:
1. Give to God's work regularly and systematically.
2. Pray in the Spirtin tonguesand IF you feel that inflation is going to take over (before hyper-inflation, or it will be too late), invest in commodities like gold and oil, and stocks in companies with hard assets in transportation, energy, natural resources and agriculture (NON-GMO foods).
Also, you might want to invest in West Shore Real Return Income Fund (Symbol = NWSFX). It has assets that include units of physical gold, fine art and other tangible assets intended to preserve wealth in inflationary markets. It currently trades at about 9.88 USD (year low = 9.78 / year high = 10.56).
Here's where you can learn How to pray in the Spirit: How to Receive the Power of God with Gifts of the Spirit.
3. Start NOW withdrawing small amounts of cash from your bank(s). Then, go rent a storage place and hide it under filthy junk in a fireproof box. Or, wherever you think is safe. (Listen to my previous podcast for more details on this.) If and when deflation occurs later you will be able to obtain some really good purchases with cash when other people are hurting. Also, you will be able to help others.
The main reason you will want to have “cash on hand” is because if the banks shut down for a few days due to economic trauma, you wll NOT be able to withdraw any cash. You need to be able to function!
NOTICE: Do NOT be concerned if you do NOT have money to invest in commodities or securities that are “geared” for inflation-proofing. Your main concern is to “hedge” against whatever may come: inflation, stag-inflation, hyper-inflation … or deflation. And, the BEST WAY you can do this is to invest in God's Kingdom. Spend some time alonelistening to Godand develop a PLAN of giving.
The US Dollar was victim of 50% inflation during the years of 1977 to 1981. Right before that time God spoke to me about a PLAN for reaping a great harvest personally. I never shared the specifics with anyone. I just listened and obeyed. Read the example below.
EXAMPLE: In 1976 God gave me a PLAN of investing into His worka SPECIAL six month strategywith a certain percentage I was to give Him (way more than I had ever given). At the end of the six months, I was instructed to leave my residence (with my family) and travel a long distance away. While there, I was alone fasting in an animal shed and $100,000 USD was placed under the door to me.
CURRENT PROJECTS: Right now we are providing FREE Prince Handley POWER books to colleges, synagogues, churches and libraries in different countries where the leaders are engaged in strategic End Time pro-Israel and Zionist prophetic ministry. Some of these are in high conflict areas.
Also, in addition to our ongoing Project Judah service to KEY influential people in Israel we are starting July 1st a NEW and POWERFUL creative outreach from inside Israel. Please PRAY for us … and if the LORD leads you to help in our global exploits, there is a link below to do this.
Now is the time to establish a simple but strategically secure plan to prosper in the coming economic downturn. Do NOT wait until the “S-H-T-F” happens.
Most of all, make sure you know the specifics of current geopolitical “hotbeds” and HOW to respond and to war intelligently. The following books will help you:

 How to War!





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My friend, more important than the economy—even more important than your health—is this: If you were to die right now, do you know for sure that you would go to Heaven? If not, pray this prayer:

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, if Yeshua (Jesus) is really my Messiah, please reveal Him to me and I will serve You the rest of my life. Please forgive my sins. Help me to live for you the rest of my time on earth, and take me to Heaven when I die. Amen.”

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

P.S. - Make sure you understand what is happening in the global imatirx of central banking: New Global Currency.

Podcast time: 18 minutes, 35 seconds

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