Apr 15, 2008
TALK - Future News Now!
with Prince Handley
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Seven (7) keys for reaching the
whole world with the Good News.
Dear Friend & Worker for Christ:
I want to teach you something that will help you win the world for
If you could win 1,000 people to Christ every day, how long do you
think it would take to evangelize the whole world? At this time,
the population of the world is about six (6) billion people. It
would take you 16,427 years to reach every person (even at 1,000
every day!).
if you would lead only
one person each year to Christ, and would really train them, here’s
what would happen: At the end of one year there would be two
of you to take the "Good News" to others. If each of you would lead
one person to Christ that next year, there would be four of you at
the end of the second year to go tell the "Good News". At this
it would only take you a
little over 32 years to reach the rest of the world! (Even
if the population increases to 8.5 billion, it would take only one
extra year, or 33 years.)
This is why Jesus said,
"Go, then
to all peoples of the world and make them my disciples: baptize
them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and
teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember! I
will be with you always, to the end of the age."
here’s how to train a
disciple: Ask God to lead you to someone who really wants to
grow in the Lord (it may be someone you lead to Christ or someone
who already knows Jesus.) Take them "under your wing" (like a bird
does her babies) and pour your life, as well as the Word of God,
into them.
You will have to
"live" the life
you are teaching about. Take them preaching on the streets
or witnessing at the market with you, or other ministry outreach.
Teach them how to lead others to Christ, and to baptize them in
water. Their training may last from one week, or until Jesus comes
you may want to train
more than one person at a time. However, never get so busy
that you do not have time to spend with each person privately. When
a person you are training starts training others for Christ (it may
be the first week), then
some time for "feedback". That is, let that person discuss
with you about the people they are training: get "feedback" about
progress or problems, and try to answer their questions. Pray with
Be sure to tell the people you are teaching that Jesus said,
"The field is the world!"
Not just their village or city: but every nation, tribe, tongue,
and dialect.
Pray that God will
send out workers to the nations … and be willing to go
yourself. Teach them to do the same.
Obtain a map of the world
(and of your country). Lay your hands on the different countries
and cities and pray for them. Ask God:
To pour out the Holy Spirit on them,
To send out Christian
workers to them,
To raise up "Spirit-anointed" power churches in these areas and all
over the world.
While praying for cities and nations,
always "bind" the devil and his demons and
cast them out in Jesus’ name. Then,
"loose" the Holy Spirit into the cities and
nations! Jesus said,
"Teach them to obey everything I have
commanded you." This includes his teaching about love,
repentance, healing, forgiveness, casting out demons, prayer,
baptism in the Holy Spirit, and our "one-ness" with other believers
in Jesus.
Some of the people you train may be from
other countries (students or visitors).
Or, some of those you train may someday go to other countries to
study, tour, or work. They will then be able to preach the Gospel
there. This is another way you will be reaching nations!
teach the ones you are
training to teach people they teach "to teach others."
Notice the four groups, or "families," of disciples in 2 Timothy
2:2. The first family is YOU: you are a disciple, or a "follower,"
of Christ. The next family is the person you are teaching to be a
"follower" of Christ.
something very important: the four families are NOT your disciples,
they are Christ’s disciples!
The diagram below shows you the extreme importance of making
"disciples" (not your disciples, but Christ’s.)
Now, YOU can win the world for Messiah Jesus!
7 8
P.S. - Read this message again,
and again, and again.
There are "seven keys" to help YOU win the world for
Now that you know HOW to win the world for Christ, make sure you
have the
POWER you need to
do it! Study Apostle Handley’s booklet,
How to Receive God’s Power.
Go to:
www.realmiracles.com and select
ADVANCED STUDIES from the BLUE NAV BARS at the left of any page.
Then, on the Advanced Studies page, choose
How To Receive God’s Power
(I thru V).
Podcast time: 6 minutes 8 seconds
Podcast time: 5.62 MB
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