Feb 27, 2012
President / Regent
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We need to position ourselves – through faith – daily into the perfect center of God's will. We should do this in our prayer time, continuously throughout out life. It is not enough to tell our Heavenly Father that we want to be “IN” His will, but in faith we must decree to Him that we are positioning ourselves into the “PERFECT CENTER” of His will.
When we pray “Thy will be done,” we are supplicating for the Father's will to be done “in earth, as it is in Heaven.” We are asking for the provision of the spiritual logistics necessary for the Kingdom to be established on earth and for the millennial reign of Messiah to be implemented. However, those who are involved in the front linesof spiritual warfare (leaders, ministers, intercessors) must pray in a personal, yet prectical, manner.
At the University of Excellence we study 14 sections in the module on “The Art and Principles of Christian Warfare.” we are in this conflict to WIN, and we must not lose sight of the fact that the souls of men and the destiny of nations depend upon our victory: individually, as part of an elite strike force unit.
At any given point on the axis of our relationship to God, we need to ask these basic questions:
What should I do?
How should I do it?
Where (if any place) should I do it?
When should I do it … or when should I go?
We need to be flexible in order to be powerful.
There is a "spiritual" place of blessing for you, and a "geographic" place of blessing. That is:
A ministry, or work; and
A place WHERE God wants you to minister, or work.
If you are preaching on the streets in Lome, Togo, and God wants you preaching on the streets in Aflao, Ghana, people will still be saved and God will still bless His Holy Word; however, the blessing in your personal life – or your ministry – will not be as great because you are NOT where God wants you!
We need to maintain spiritual balance at all times. For example, if God wants us to maintain a stable geographic location [i.e., fixed in a location geographically] and we move around not being obedient to His will, then we are sacrificing not only our inner peace, but also productivity in the Spirit.
On the other hand, if we become “set in concrete” in our ways, not willing to move – or maybe afraid to move – then we fall into the “snare” of the enemy. We must be willing to leave our “comfort zone” at any time. This assumes that we have spent adequate time in prayer: honestly seeking the Lord's will in the matter.
I direct you to my three (3) volume series on “Follow Your Heart” which will also help you in the matter of knowing and following God's will:
There is productive strength – as well as great inner peace – associated with being in the center of God's will. If you're not there, start today … right NOW … and experience REAL MIRACLES!
Pray with me NOW. “Father in Heaven, I position myself by faith into the perfect center of your will, and I thank you for leading me. In the name of Messiah Jesus I pray. Amen.”
You're going to have a wonderful future, my friend!
Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai.
Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of
Podcast time: 4 minutes, 45 seconds.
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