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Jun 18, 2014

with Prince Handley



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This teaching is powerful. Reflect upon it until it is solidly built into your human spirit and faith system. You will then do exploits for the LORD in these Last Days. You can do more than you can do. Lift up your vision … and lift up you expectations … and lift up your realization of your authority in the Messiah Jesus! Nations and MIRACLES are waiting for you to move in the power and authority vested in you. Israel is about to explode spiritually and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists are being prepared. Take your part in the formation; be a catalyst for God!




A few years ago the LORD started speaking to me about “Binding and Loosing.” Although I knew the basic precepts of “Binding and Loosing” and had used those scriptural principles for years in situations dealing with spiritual authority, the LORD was impressing me to be more active and militant in the use of them.

Let's first look into what the scripture says concerning this teaching of Jesus. After the Apostle Peter declared to Yeshua (Jesus), “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God,” the Lord gave him KEYS as to how he would build His Kingdom. He told Shimon (Peter):

And I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven: and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
        - Matthew 16:19 (NKJV)

A little while later – in teaching about dealing with problems in interpersonal relationships and also within the body of believers – Jesus said the following:

Assuredly I say unto you, Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven: and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
        - Matthew 18:18 (NKJV)

Interestingly enough, if we examine this passage in the original language[See Footnotes at bottom of show notes for language info.] Jesus probably spoke Hebrew in both of these passages as He was teaching His talmidim (disciples) and they were ALL Jewish, but the text was later recorded into Koine Greek (the lingua franca of the day) – we see an amazing truth. In the original we are reading literally: “Whatever you bind (or loose) on earth SHALL ALREADY HAVE BEEN bound (or loosed) in heaven.” The verb form reflects action that has been achieved in the past has now become active in the present. The past action refers to Messiah's complete triumph on the cross-stake.

Now that we have discussed this important truth, let me share how God dealt with me. Shortly after the LORD began speaking to me to be more active and militant in “binding and loosing” I was flying to Cincinnati (USA) to teach at a seminar and miracle meeting. A Baptist pastor picked me up at the airport and on the way to the church we had to put the automobile on a ferry or barge to cross a river. The pastor and I were outside the car on the boat ferry and he began to tell me an amazing thing.

He told me, “God has been dealing with me about 'binding and loosing.'” I had NOT told him that the LORD had been dealing with me about the same thing. It was a blessed seminar with the presence of the Holy Spirit. However, I soon forgot about what the pastor had told me.

Later I was in Africa for about one month and the LORD worked mighty in MIRACLES ad healings and salvation … opening doors for me to minister in many public schools. The gifts of the Spirit operated wonderfully and students were healed and saved. The same day I returned home, I received a message from a pastor who asked me to come to his home and minister to a young minister. He told me the minister had a mighty youth ministry but was discouraged because of people in the “false covering” movement trying to hold him back and control him. I said to my friend, “I just returned from Africa and need to rest. I will not come now, but if the LORD leads me to come minister to the young man I will call you.”

About 3 days later (which was the last day the young man would be in town … he lived about 1,800 miles / 2900 km away), God told me to go visit him. I called my friend and told him and he invited me to dinner that evening. During my visit, the LORD gave me a prophecy for the young man. I told him, “Go back and start a church!” That church has different campuses in two different states and I think over 10,000 members.

While visiting at the pastor's house, before I left, he told me, “There are some people you need to meet.” Again, I mentioned that I needed some rest; however, the LORD told me: “Meet these people.” I invited the people to my home, and what a blessing it was. There last name was Morse, and one of them had written a book titled, Exodus to a Hidden Valley,, by Eugene Morse. (There is also a Reader's Digest account of their ministry; however, it is “toned down” as they had to work in collaboration with the publishers.)

There were three generations of them visiting me: grandfather, father and son. The family (from oldest to youngest) had ministered in Burma (Indo-China) for 51 years (from oldest to younngest) and had been imprisoned by the Communists three times. There was lots of demonization and false religions in that area in Southeast Asia: the majority praciticing Theravada-Buddhism with some of the tribal people practicing animism and shamanism.

The Morse's told me that they had labored almost without fruit – without people coming to Christ – for years. Then, the LORD told them to “bind” Satan and cast him out of the areas where they would be ministering. Immediately they started seeing people come to Christ. Then, the LORD instructed them to “loose” the Holy Spirit” into the areas where they would be ministering. After that, a great harvest of souls – people receiving Christ – resulted. As I remember around 65,000 people received the LORD and many were baptized in water. They labored for the LORD among the Lisu tribe and helped in the migration – the escape – of 1,000's of Christians into and through the jungle.



 God is waiting upon you to to do the “binding and loosing.” He is wanting YOU to do your part and work with Him in intercession. When you do your part – binding and loosing – then the finished work of Christ takes effect … and what you have bound or loosed … will already have been bound or loosed in Heaven!


So, my challenge to you is this: Take advantage of “binding and loosing.” Your leader, Jesus the Messiah, taught this. And remember, “Whatever you bind (or loose) on earth shall already have been bound (or loosed) in heaven.” Listen to God … and NOT men!

What is that GREAT thing you want to do for God? What is the deep stirring in your heart for ministry unto the LORD? Nations and unreached tribal groups are hanging in the balance: waiting for you to be the one who reaches them … or, who coordinates projects to reach them … in these Last Days.

I have selected three (3) books which will help you to know what is getting ready to happen in these Last Days, plus provide you with the enablement – the POWER and GIFTINGS – to get the job done. Here they are … just click on the image.

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Now … YOU can reach the world for Christ. And remember, “binding and loosing” can be used for other than ministry. Learn to use it actively and militantly … just like the LORD instructed me.



Recently the LORD instructed me to start a new project for Him in the Kurdish language. One of the attributes of the Holy Spirit is to “show us things to come.” After the LORD had us start this project, the Kurds recently took over the oil fields and the city of Kirkuk in Iraq. It is prime time to reach Kurdistan (the northern portion of Iraq and bordering Iran on the east) with the Good News of Jesus. Amazingly enough, the two books shown above, Map of the End Times and Flow Chart of Revelation reveal the specifics of Babylon in Iraq and its prophetic significance.

As far as I know, years ago I was the first teacher to write on the specifics of how Babylon in Revelation is a literal city. (Many prophecy teachers have taught for years that Babylon represents Rome and the Roman Catholic Church.) The two books mentioned above clearly define the specifics. The Kurds are the ancient people known as the Medes in Bible prophecy and play a significant role in the destruction of Babylon. (Isaiah 13:17; Jeremiah 51:11; and Jeremiah 51:28-29). If you would like to help us reach the Kurdish people and others for the LORD, please donate below:


  If you feel the LORD would like you to help Prince Handley
get the message of Good News to Kurdish people and others,


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 Handley World Services Incorporated
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Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai

Your friend,

Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence


Podcast time: 13 minutes, 32 seconds (with music)


1. Hebrew was regarded as Lashon Ha-Kodesh, the sacred language of the Jewish people. Independent linguistic evidence indicates that Hebrew was used as a common language during the late second Temple period. For example, J.T. Milik wrote, "Mishnaic [Hebrew] … was at that time the spoken dialect of the inhabitants of Judaea" (Ten Years of Discovery in the Wilderness of Judaea).

2. Koine is the Greek word for "common." Koine Greek (also called New Testament Greek) was the form of the Greek language used from around 300 BC to AD 300.

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